CTUG Training Course - 17th October 2024

The second CTUG training course will be run on 17th October 2024, the day before the CTUG 2024 meeting in Exeter.

It is described as “An introduction to the physics of computed tomography, including how images are produced and factors affecting radiation dose and image quality”

Feedback from our first course was favourable and whilst the content and presenters are not yet finalised for the second course, it is likely to be similar to the programme below.

More details will follow via the CTUG mail list.

Training Course Programme

08:45 Registration - Tea & Coffee

09:10 Welcome and Introduction - Laurence King

Session 1 - Foundations

09:15 Hardware components and scanner construction - Nicholas Keat

10:00 Image reconstruction - Nicholas Keat

10:30 Exposure parameters, tube current modulation - David Platten

11:00 Tea & Coffee

Session 2 - Patients and safety

11:15 Patient dose estimations - Stuart Yates

12:00 Practical aspects - David Biddle

12:15 Radiation safety and room shielding - Stuart Yates

12:45 Lunch

Session 3 - Quality

13:45 Image artefacts - David Platten

14:15 Optimisation of dose and image quality - Jane Edwards

14:45 Quality control tests - Katie Howard

15:15 Tea & Coffee

Session 4 - Specialised techniques

15:30 Cardiac Imaging - Laurence King

15:45 Fluoroscopy and respiratory gating - Katie Howard

16:00 Dual energy - Laurence King

16:30 Multidisciplinary imaging - Katie Howard

17:00 Close