
CTUG Meetings

CTUG meetings are held approximately once per year, and are informal affairs for our members to come together and share their experience, knowledge, questions and tips. Most of the day is taken up with (usually) short presentations of recent work, as well as debate and discussion on a variety of topics, with occasional invited guest speakers to give an extended presentation on a relevant subject.

The programmes for all past meetings, as well as the abstracts and pdf versions of presentations from more recent meetings can be downloaded by following the links below.

Next CTUG meeting: Friday 18th October 2024 in Exeter

The next CTUG meeting will be in Exeter, at the Mercure Rougemont Hotel, which is in the city centre and within walking distance from Exeter St Davids and Exeter central train stations.

A call for papers has now gone out - please e-mail your submissions to the CTUG Secretary (Title and abstract, taking no more than one side of A4 at 12-point font size) by Friday 30st August 2024. Work in progress can also be submitted if you have results to report or will have in time for the meeting. Submissions are welcome from both CTUG members and non-members alike. If you have any queries, feel free to get in touch!

This will be preceded on Thursday 17th October by the second CTUG training course at the same venue, following the same course programme as the last training meeting in 2022 (speakers and precise content subject to confirmation).

More details will follow via the CTUG mail list.

CTUG training course: 17th October 2024

The day before the 2024 meeting, we will run our second one-day training course. Described as “An introduction to the physics of computed tomography, including how images are produced and factors affecting radiation dose and image quality”, check out the CTUG training course page for more details.

Last CTUG meeting: 19th October 2023, Cardiff

The last meeting of the CT Users Group was on the 19th October 2023 in Cardiff - check out the meeting page for more details of the programme and links to the presentations.

Previous meetings

Click on any of the following links for more details of each meeting. Many of the presentations are available view online in pdf format.